Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Deep Space Nine All the Way!!

Why DS-9 is the best Star Trek Series of Them All

I am a sci-fi geek. There, I said it. And I’m not ashamed of it either. I spaz over Star Wars. I get starry-eyed over Stargate. I can appreciate damn near any science fiction story there is. But the one sci-fi saga that holds a special place in my heart is Star Trek. And of all the Star Trek series and movies there are Star Trek: Deep Space 9 is the best thing that the Star Trek team and Paramount have ever produced.

Blasphemy you say? “How can Sisko be better than Kirk?” You think that a space station is cooler than a Galaxy-class starship? Are you nuts?” Maybe I am. However it’s not the parts of Deep Space Nine that make great. It’s what makes DS9 great is that it is not a “utopian” view of the future the way the other Star Trek series are. Racial tension, war, crime, and political grey areas that were absent in the original series as well as The Next Generation are not only at hand, they fuel the plotlines of Deep Space Nine. The future is better in Deep Space Nine, but certainly isn’t prefect.